Jaycie and Jensen playing ball
Julie's Joy ("JJ") playing soccer
Music: Carolina Christmas by Ralph Rivera
Jensen 7 weeks old
Jensen loves his big sis

Jensen, 7 weeks old, with big sister Jaycie, 5 months old. I think they really love each other!

Jensen stretched out for a nap
Jensen - my little hot natured pup - stretched out for a nap on the cool hardwood floor
Jensen and Jaycie playing with their new balls
Jensen and Jaycie first day at their new home

Jensen and Jaycie playing with their new balls

Jaycie and Jensen
Jensen and Jaycie first night in their new home

Jensen, 7 wks old, with Jaycie, 5 wks old. They both love balls and toys and their new home!

Jensen 7 weeks old
Jensen's First Night at Home

Jensen with his rabbit

Jensen 7 wks old
Jensen, 7 wks old

Jensen with his favorite tennis ball - puppy sized soccer ball.

Jensen enjoying the sunshine
Jensen growing fast - 8 weeks old - enjoying a day in the sun
Jaycie and Jensen
Jaycie and Jensen

Jaycie lets her little brother win sometimes - how precious!

puppy paws
Puppy Paws!

Such cute baby paws!

Picking Jensen up at the farm

My neighbor Ann got first cuddles! She rode with me to help pick up the pups - 10 hour round trip - but SO WORTH IT to get these love bugs

Jensen 7 wks old
Jensen 1st night in new home

Jensen taking a nap in his new bed from Orvis.

Jensen full of mischief
Jensen full of mischief!
Jaycie and Jensen taking a nap
Jensen 7 wks old and Jaycie 5 months old

Jaycie and Jensen napping after a long day's play. They sure love each other!

Jaycie and Jensen
Jaycie and Jensen

Jaycie and Jensen enjoying another nap after hours of playtime.

Jensen and Jaycie
It was love at first head tilts!

Jaycie and Jensen - first night in their new home. Love the adorable head tilts!

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